
Prikazuju se postovi od travanj, 2018

¿ success ?

Considering people live aproximately eighty years and the fact that you can’t change the speed of time passing. With those two facts we already have a template for living.  You seem important, you are expected to make it in life and to be someone’s role model. You are taking photos of moments you enjoyed, writing down the memories, expressing yourself in the best way you can and trying to be the best version of yourself you could possibly be. At the end of the day, the only person you have to spend your whole life with is you and the whole time the goal is the moment you feel proud of what you have accomplished.  With the photos we took, memories we made, words we said out loud or wrote on a piece of paper, we are working on our existence. Our whole life they are important to us because they show that something happened, for us to remember ourselves as 12-year-olds. The point when they really become important is when you do something revolutionary in life. When stud...