¿ success ?
Considering people live aproximately eighty years and the fact that you can’t change the speed of time passing. With those two facts we already have a template for living.
You seem important, you are expected to make it in life and to be someone’s role model. You are taking photos of moments you enjoyed, writing down the memories, expressing yourself in the best way you can and trying to be the best version of yourself you could possibly be. At the end of the day, the only person you have to spend your whole life with is you and the whole time the goal is the moment you feel proud of what you have accomplished.
With the photos we took, memories we made, words we said out loud or wrote on a piece of paper, we are working on our existence.
Our whole life they are important to us because they show that something happened, for us to remember ourselves as 12-year-olds. The point when they really become important is when you do something revolutionary in life. When students learn about you in schools or when your name is already googled.
And then you die.
In one moment, memories, photos and words, disappear unless you made an impact on the world we live in. What happens to photos of those who didn’t manage to do something worth remembering?
We are overrating the meaning of life. I don’t know why I’m here or how my life will look like in thirty years but I have been given a chance to enjoy. Overthinking how to gain success, earn money, afford fancy things, throughout which we forget to appreciate the small things and do what I’m here for.
Don’t get me wrong, of course you have to work hard and plan the future, invest in knowledge and aim for the best. I take my hat off to the people who made me envious for what they’ve become but are others less important? Can we really judge someone if they’re truly happy but didn’t achieve predicted goals?
There are people who made it in life but they admit not being happy.
Enjoy because your photos, your words, and memories are and will be important to someone. If not to someone then to you and that’s enough. Feeling proud of Yourself and accomplishing what You wanted is enough. Loving Yourself comes across as being loved by Yourself and that is more than enough.
Worry about now, because thinking of now every minute of the day can be considered as you thought of the future a minute ago.
Defining success isn’t as easy as it seems, but in English dictionary, by the letter S, after the word success, there is a gap. Write your own definition, as long as it is yours it’s a correct one.
Some people might change theirs.
Who knows?
With love, MO.
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