Why is honesty the best policy? I’m not like everybody else. I’m a lot more tolerant than others and a very open-minded person. Here’s a quote that I can relate to… I hate small talk. I wanna talk about atoms, death, aliens, sex, magic, intellect, the meaning of life, faraway galaxies, the lies you’ve told, your flaws, your favorite scents, your childhood, what keeps you up at night, your insecurities and fears. I like people with depth, who speak with emotion from a twisted mind. I don’t want to know “what’s up”. See, this is what I’m talking about. I really don’t want to know what the weather is like or are there any fish in the sea… I want to talk about things people usually don’t want to talk about. Now that you know what kind of person I am-I can tell you that I can put up with a lot of shit that goes on around me. If it’s about something more serious…What I want from people is to say Look, I have to tell you something, I did this and that, I know I was wrong to do that...